Sunday, 18 September 2011

Ideas part 2

So after Yasu's lecture, I thought I had some basic idea of what I was going to do. However after I talked with DaVor, my ideas and thoughts changed again completely. I heard DaVor talking with other students about utilizing the current structure, and although DaVor said it was okay to create a new building if I could justify it.

I thought, there is no point in creating a new building, when buildings already exist. Otherwise the older buildings will have no purpose, and that alone would be waste enough not to change the current system at all.

So that got me thinking about the current buildings, and incorporating my design into existing infrastructure.
Below in red, is the old site that I had selected, and in blue is my new proposed site.

The new site, is the current main government office building in Perth located adjacent to the supreme court of Perth and Government House. It also has close access to the river system. By using the existing building, the core structure is already in place.

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