Thursday, 15 September 2011

Ideas part 1

 Coming up with new ideas, which encompasses all the requirements of a new parliament building is more complicated than I thought.
 My basic idea to have a central core with basic services in green. Next are fixed office levels in red, which incorporate regular office facilities which would be required. On the outside in blue/cyan are removable, or mobile offices.

Below is how the movable outer offices work. They slide down the fixed pillars and out, which can then be transported to remote areas. The reason why this would be a benefit in the new parliament is because now each division is made up of panels of experts. Because these people are just paper pushers, they need to be in the field to retain and expand their knowledge to create policies which make sense. For example for the environment division, they may send two portable offices to mining sites to analyze the effects and degradation to land etc. This way, the experts can spend more time in the area, and complete the necessary work with their current work environment.

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