Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Presentation Reflection

So I got a very mixed response from my tutor and the guest critiques. The guest critiques both agreed that I did not have a "design" to critique, which in some ways is fair as my design is closely tied in with the virtual aspect. However, their opinion on my idea/concept to improve relations between the parliament and population would have been more helpful. But part of me also thinks that maybe they did not fully understand my concept, as if I were to redesign a bus or train terminal (as they suggested I should have done) then the feasibility and implementation of my design would disappear, as one of my main foci was for my concept to to placed throughout Australia with ease and affordability.
My tutor however, who understood where I started and what my idea was in my opinion was happy with my design and concept. He did tell me areas in which I could have pushed my design a little further and also stated that my model maybe took away from my concept, due to its size. Which I completely agree with, I too discovered the same issue which is why I tried to illuminate my model to draw attention to my particular idea. However as can be seen below, its much more effective at night than in the day.

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