Friday, 12 August 2011

Week 2 Task

Above is our completed week two task, we started with flexible, moved on to mobile, then to virtual and finally distributed. As you can see as we proceed down task, the content reduces, I found that this was due to the fact that each topic was very closely related to another, and we ended up with less and less new material. (or it could be because our imagination and attention diminished over the length of the tutorial)
I guess I was quite surprised how closely each of the topics were related; at the end we had a lot of trouble identifying which ideas should fit into each group as the same idea could be classified under all topics.

So far, I understand the weekly tasks, however I am finding it difficult seeing how this quite fits in with parliament and where we are supposed to be headed. Every idea I have is more closely related to government services which is completely different from parliament, and the advice I have received from tutors, appears to be quite distant from the topic of parliament. I am hoping that as the next couple of tasks are executed, everything becomes a little more clear.

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